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shape iron造句

"shape iron"是什么意思  
  • On the wall side those roofs are supported by spiral-shaped iron brackets.
  • The table hangs on the church's north wall, on a U-shaped iron support.
  • One of his most distinctive motifs-the cube-directly developed from his use of square-shaped iron pyrites.
  • It has a diamond-shaped iron downtube and a top tube and tyres of flattened metal.
  • The result was an oblong shaped iron product similar in appearance to shingles used on roofs.
  • It was a plateway, using L-shaped iron plates as rails, to carry wagons with flangeless wheels.
  • The ancient door with its spur-shaped iron knocker leads to a simple and very peaceful interior.
  • A trove of axe-shaped iron coins from the Great Moravian period was found in the Hr醖ok area.
  • It rode on a single double-flanged wheel, with a V-shaped iron slipper on the rear of the plank.
  • The article Obolus mentions the Spartans had rod shaped iron as a currency, so it could not have been all too plentiful.
  • It's difficult to see shape iron in a sentence. 用shape iron造句挺难的
  • Bilboes consist of a pair of " U "-shaped iron bars ( shackles ) with holes in the ends, through which an iron rod is inserted.
  • But shaping iron by hand is an ancient art _ archaeologists trace it back some 3, 000 years _ and one that still carries a mystique.
  • The next day, the rested meat and fat must be ground by hand, using a crescent-shaped iron cleaver known as the " " Z1rh " ".
  • This led to a design using a series of U-shaped iron cores with looped wire creating a flux in them, similar to ?of a transformer core.
  • The various shapes around the edge of the swage block all have corresponding shapes in the form of top swages to shape iron bar into various sections.
  • Three rounded arches topped with decorative murals at either side of the proscenium were squared off, and long, flat industrial light fixtures replaced the tiered, tulip-shaped iron and bronze chandeliers.
  • The fencing around the entrances to the platforms from the mezzanine were painted black while the rest of the platforms, including a few mushroom shaped iron maidens were also painted yellow.
  • The 62-year-old Lithuanian blacksmith, asked through a translator what the finished product would be, pointed to an intricate sun-shaped iron cross that hung next to other examples of his traditional handiwork.
  • This was later replaced by L-shaped iron rails, which were attached to the mine floor, meaning that no sleepers were required and hence leaving easy access for the feet of children or animals to propel more drams.
  • On 19 February 2005, 16.2 million viewers tuned in to view his character's second demise, this time at the hands of new wife Chrissie, who hit him over the head with a dog-shaped iron doorstop after he attacked her during an argument.
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